Big News in the Coaching Industry!

Big News in the Coaching Industry!

Have you heard the news? For the first time in over 20 years, the Core Competencies of Coaching, which are the main skills coaches use, are changing. The International Coach Federation developed the Core Competencies in 1998 to ensure excellence for coaching world...
A Coaching Tip to Release Pressure

A Coaching Tip to Release Pressure

Do you frequently use “should” in your language? Using the word “should” creates pressure and connotes judgment with the way things are. “Should” (along with “have to” and “need to”) make our choices feel like burdens and obligations. Explore how you feel if you...
Use this Skill for Better Coaching and Wow Your Clients

Use this Skill for Better Coaching and Wow Your Clients

Did you know that coaching communication skills are used by governments, organizations and businesses throughout the world? These coaching techniques are considered so valuable because they facilitate growth and insight much more profoundly than our normal...
How to Reduce Stress in Less Than a Minute!

How to Reduce Stress in Less Than a Minute!

Here’s a life saving breath exercise you can do any time you are feeling anxious or stressed. By just taking some time to focus on your breathing you can quickly get centered and present and cultivate the spaciousness to be more loving to yourself and others. I...
3 Steps to Eliminate Impatience

3 Steps to Eliminate Impatience

If you’ve been feeling impatient, you’re not alone. Right now, it can feel like everything is taking way longer than anyone wants it to. That’s because we’re in a global transformation process and like every transition, there is a gestation period that has to take...