A Coaching Technique to Build Trust with Clients

A Coaching Technique to Build Trust with Clients

Written by Eve

May 24, 2021

Do you know the best way to cultivate trust with clients?

We know from neuroscience that when people feel safe, heard and respected, they are able to create supportive, trusting relationships.

They’re able to be more vulnerable and open with themselves and others.

Safety helps clients move out of fear and self-doubt and into empowerment and possibility.

A fundamental part of cultivating trust in the coaching partnership is creating a space where clients feel affirmed, respected and safe.

To do this, you want to seek to understand each client and their identity, context, culture, values and beliefs.

Honor who they are, their wisdom and the experiences that have shaped them.

Don’t try to “fix” them or their problems.

Instead, when clients first share something they are struggling with, listen actively and acknowledge the challenge, rather than immediately launching into problem solving mode.

Give the client time to receive your acknowledgement by pausing and allowing them to respond.

This allows trust and safety to develop organically in the coaching relationship.

If you immediately jump into problem solving, the opportunity to empower the client to create awareness and build trust in the coaching relationship can be lost.

Using active listening skills during coaching sessions will help a client feel really heard and valued.

Feeling heard naturally creates a lot of safety and trust between coach and client.

When a coach moves into formulating action steps right away without acknowledging and listening actively, it can make clients feel unheard or invalidated.

It also does not give clients the space and time to fully integrate their situation and apply the new tools they have gained from coaching.

So let go of any pressure to solve problems and instead show authentic concern for your clients and let the magic of coaching flow.

What do you do to build trust with clients?

Post below and let us know!


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