Like so many people, I stumbled upon coaching and immediately knew that this was my path, however I didn’t know how to get started. Here are 3 things I wish I knew before I started coaching that will help you.
Even though coaching was a different career trajectory for me, I fell in love with the experience of getting to empower people and help them live their purpose.
I had enjoyed working as an anthropologist, but I felt called to create positive change in the world in a different way. So while I was doing my doctorate in anthropology, I apprenticed in shamanism for four years. After that, I was working for the White House when I learned about the field of coaching.
I just knew coaching was what I was meant to do and jumped in wholeheartedly even though I was totally terrified. Can you relate?
Twenty years later, I am eternally grateful that I took this leap of faith.
When I embarked on my coaching career, the field of coaching was rather new. Although I had excellent coach training, there weren’t a lot of resources on how to build a sustainable business as a coach.
Here are three things that I wished someone had told me before I began my journey as a coach:
1. You can make a great living as a coach in a career helping others deeply
When I started coaching and left a well paying career to become self-employed, I literally thought that I would never be able to make much money as a coach but I knew in my heart that it was the right thing to do. Fortunately, two women gave me a few words of advice, which really helped me build a successful business. As time went on, my coaching practice grew and I hired a coach and implemented strategies that helped me get to do work that I loved changing the lives of others while making a good income myself.
It took a few years, but eventually I was able to support myself while only working two and a half days a week, which gave me the freedom to spend time with my family and deepen my spiritual practice. I now teach these strategies through the Transform Coaching Academy Certification Program, helping others build abundant, fulfilling careers helping others.
2. It’s important to articulate the value of your coaching
For people to really understand the impact coaching will have on their lives, it’s essential that you can confidently articulate the value that coaching with you will give them. By investing in their growth, they will have major transformation and experience results they’ve wanted for years. It’s a must that you are well trained so you can deliver this kind of coaching and also confidently discuss the outcomes your future clients will have when they work with you.
People have often tried to bring about change in their lives without success, so they’re hesitant to believe either in themselves or the outcomes they will receive from coaching. When you can clearly articulate the ways coaching with you will deliver the lasting change they desire, it becomes so much easier for clients to say yes to themselves and invest in coaching with you.
3. You will attract your ideal clients
Building your own coaching business requires stepping out of your comfort zone and following coach business strategies that will deliver results. If you get well trained and have the confidence and know-how to deliver excellent coaching, you will attract clients you love. Coaching is one of the top growing industries in the world, and the demand for certified coaches is higher than ever.
The cool thing is, once clients find success and you develop relationships with referral partners, you will begin to attract more clients and build a referral based coaching practice.
When you learn how to structure your offerings into desirable coaching packages, you will start creating real income quickly empowering others.
At the Transform Coaching Academy, we take the stress out of this by giving you a valuable Done-for-You Coaching Package during our Certification Program so you can start making money doing work you love while still in training.
Always remember, as a coach you will help your clients make the changes they’ve been trying to make for years, the transformation you will help people achieve is more valuable than you can possibly imagine.
When you are able to authentically express this to clients in ways they can understand, your business will grow and you’ll have the joy of helping others in a way that brings more abundance to all (including you!).
Post below and let me know what questions you have about coaching. Let us know where you are on your coaching journey and how we can support you in getting started or building your business.