This Makes My Heart Melt

Written by Eve

April 6, 2020

Last Friday, my dear aunt passed suddenly.

Her passing reminded me to focus on what is most important in life.

She loved travel, good food, drinking wine and laughing.

The message I received from her transition is: Enjoy. Every. Moment.

How can we do this, in the midst of the everyday demands and lives that often feel stretched?

It really is simply a choice to open to presence and gratitude in mind, heart, body and spirit.

We can receive a deep breath and appreciate the gifts that are occurring in front of us.

By choosing to enjoy the moment, we get to savor life and appreciate the little pleasures that exist, rather than rushing through our days.

When we prepare to take our last breaths in these bodies, we won’t be concerned about accomplishments, money or our to-do lists.

We’ll care about how we loved, what we gave, what opened our hearts, and the small miracles of life.

So what would it be like for you to enjoy more moments?

Who will you become?

How will you live?

Please comment below and let me know what this means for you and how it will look.

Sharing in a supportive community like this can be a great way to open to receiving more joy every day.

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