How to Infuse the New Year with Potential and Opportunity

Infuse the New Year with Potential and Opportunity

Written by Eve

December 31, 2020

As we embark on 2023, I want to wish you a very happy and healthy New Year!

May this New Year bring you and yours an abundance of peace, love and happiness.

This is a great time to let go of anything you are ready to release from 2022 and contemplate how to move forward with more freedom, focus and sanity.

Here’s a great ritual I do to usher in every new year with more ease and joy.

Get a pen and paper and gift yourself with 15 minutes–you’ll love what you discover!

Start by writing about your experiences during 2022. Contemplate…

🦋 What blessings did you gain from the challenges and how did you grow?

🦋 What are you ready to release and what do you want to honor?

🦋 What insights and wisdom do you have now that you didn’t hold a year ago?

On another piece of paper, write about how you will harness the potential of this new year…

💖 What do you want to create in 2023?

💖 Imagine yourself a year from now, how do you want to feel?

💖 What do you want your life to look like and be like?

Write down your intentions, dreams and goals for 2023.

Get clear about the details that you would like to occur and be sure to include the energy you want to experience and how you want to feel throughout the year.

Play like a child and have fun!

Let yourself feel the energy you want to create during 2023 in your body now and every day of this new year.

Share in the comments and let us know what you want to create in 2023!


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